Skippy Shorts Wiki
Greg Harrisberg

Jonathan C. "John" Barger (born August 5, 1976), better known by his pen name Greg Harrisberg, is the CEO of NearFar Productions and the creator of the Skippy Shorts franchise, best known for voicing and performing Skippy, Finney on some occasions (performing), Rufus T., the Groggle Monster, and various characters.

Personal Info[]

Harrisberg studied at California State University San Marcos and went to Calvary Christian School. Harrisberg is close friends with Jack Rennon and they both created Skippy Shorts in 2006.

He is currently in a relationship with Lisa Berck.

Harrisberg resides in Temecula, California.


Harrisberg was born Jonathan C. Barger on August 5, 1976.


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